Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Critique of Course and Subject Learned
Overall, the syllabus learned in this subject really sparks up my interest in the History of Arts. Its so amazing that these artists are able to paint these marvelous pieces of artworks using art media that the world today are not so talented with. Its a shame that these methods of Art have died over the years and the current trend of design is more to abstract art. Imagine if the historian artists had the software of photoshop and illustrator, the artworks produced would have been indescribable. As the subject lectures and tutorials go on, we are able to relate our theories of design today with their period of time. After all, the evolution of history is what develops today. However, in lecture classes, it is such a waste that many students do not give response, discussion or arguments when asked by the tutor/lecturer. I can see that Dr Ray and Miss Clare put much effort in preparing our teaching plans and the Slides. Even finding an image online and properly quoting it, is already troublesome enough. I can't imagine the time needed to find the specific info and compiling them into the slides presentation. Also, there wasn't enough time to actually conduct our own research on the topics learnt because the number of topics discussed is way too many. This subject may not be the most fun to study, but it is definitely one of the most interesting subjects i have ever studied. It is the first time actually experiencing a subject with the definition Art in the term History.
Personal Opinion on Assignment 3 Artwork
The Third of May 1808
1814, Oil on canvas, 266cm x 345cm. Museo del Prado, Madrid
File: The Third of May 1808.jpg (19 Jun 2006). Retrieved August 15, 2011, from
After completing an assignment on this artwork. I realized that history artworks are really in depth in every detail of their artwork. Like the artwork above for instance, all the elements are designed to give emphasis on the white shirt figure. The soldiers create implied lines facing him, the colours used on him are the most contrast in the artwork. Moreover, this particular artwork is very renowned during its time. In fact, this artwork was so inspiring that it influenced the other creations of artworks.
Execution of Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, 1868
Taken from Dr Ray's Lecture Slides
Pablo Picasso, Massacre in Korea, 1951
Taken from Dr Ray's Lecture Slides
Baroque Artworks
Compare and Contrast two different artwork
The artwork above is Idealism Painting. The event portrayed is in the form of imagination of the Gods celebrating victory. However, the way the gods celebrate victory in the artwork is the way humans celebrate not the actual way of how Gods celebrate. This type of artwork relies on imaginative concepts to convey the emotion.
The above artwork is Realism Painting. The character is having a vision of Christ and opens his arms to accept Christ. The artwork shows the real emotional feeling experienced by the character not an imaginative scene. The use of chiaroscuro helps to emphasize the gestures and emotional expression conveyed by the character.
The Story of Judith
The Book of Judith depicts how Judith saved her people by seducing and then killing Holofernes, the Assyrian General. Judith makes Holofernes drunk, seizes his sword and decapitates his neck : "Approaching to his bed, she took hold of the hair of his head, and said, Strengthen me, O Lord God of Israel, this day! And she smote twice upon his neck with all her might, and she took away his head from him." (Judith, 13:7-8).
Personal Opinion
It's amazing that how lust and sexual alluring are able to change the phase of history itself. Men of great leaders and status are also capable of falling prey to sexual activity. This story is really thought provoking that a single beautiful woman can save her people by offering her body to someone.This shows that every men has their desires too but it depends on how well we control it within.
Judith Beheading Holofernes (Caravaggio) 1598-1599 Oil on canvas 145 cm × 195 cm (57 in × 77 in)
"Judith Beheading Holofernes (Caravaggio)." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22 Aug, 2011. from
In this version of artwork. Judith is portrayed more elegant and soft hearted based on her physical appearance and body size. Her facial expression shows her uncertainty of her gruesome actions. It may be her first time actually beheading a live person. The outstretched arms also show the nervousness she is undergoing. This artwork portrays minimal violence and less impact.
"File:GENTILESCHI Judith.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22 Aug, 2011. from
In this artwork, Judith is portrayed more masculine and brutal. The visual weight on Holofernes can be felt due to the compressed space around him. The two big sized women pressing on Holofernes shows their aggression and determination in executing Holofernes. This artwork shows more violent aspect and gives an impact of torture.
Late Renaissance 1500-1600, Italy – Venice
The Art movement during the Late Renaissance.
Subject Matter
Scenes and characters from Bible and Greek culture/myth.
3D modeling - Form are drawn into a proportionate shape and wide use of chiaroscuro
Asymmetrical Balance- Elements heavier on the Right Side
Jacopo Robusti TINTORETTO,
St. Mark’s Body Brought to Venice, 1548
Taken from Dr. Ray's Lecture Slides
Beauty of Nature - Elements consists of natural, peaceful environment. Trees and plantations in background.
Soft gradual values - Earth tones and wide range of warm colours used.
Giorgione (and/or Titian), Pastoral Symphony, c. 1508. Oil on canvas, approx 43” x 54”.
Taken from Dr. Ray's Lecture Slides.
A change in period because of the Catholics
1517 Martin Luther introduced the Ninety-Five Theses, which then became the establishment of Protestantism, a Christian movement against the Catholic Church. From there, many other churches were formed and up until today, these church movements still hold a large number
of believers respectively.
Different Churches examples:
Widely considered as Protestant churches, though most Baptist disagree with this identity. Baptism subscribes to doctrine by immersion. Other tenets include soul competency(liberty), salvation through faith, scripture. They consider these as their main rule of faith and practice.
The Methodist Church is famous for its purposeful work, and the establishment of hospitals, universities, orphanages, soup kitchens, and schools to follow Jesus' command and spread the Good News to serve all members of society. (William B. Eerdmans, Models for Christian Higher Education.)
Began in the 19th century, in context of the Second Great Awakening revival. Started by William Miller, followers known as Milerites. As of today, the largest church in the movement is the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Lutheranism is a huge branch of Western Christianity which consists of the theology of Martin Luther. Luther's writings disseminated internationally, spreading the ideas of the Reformation beyond the ability of governmental and churchly authorities to control it (George Wolfgang Forell, Lutheranism).
Graebner, A. (March 3, 2004). Religion Facts. In Lutheranism. Retrieved August 23, 2011, from
Wamtac. (n.d.). Late Renaissance, 1500-1600. In Smart Art. Retrieved August 23, 2011, from
Weber, N. (1911). Methodism. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved August 24, 2011 from New Advent:
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Bloodlines and Marriages that create alliance are the ways of developing a kingdom in Asia. Once a family is chosen as the royal family, the kingdom would continue with the family's heir for every generation to come. Some families may be part of a kingdom for even half a millennium.
Devarajas: Authority based on genetic heredity going back to mythic origins like Buddha.
Articles of faith were doctrine and stories about the life of gods, Holy men and prophets.
Underlying belief system. Shamanism, Polytheism in Mideast. Also believed in Animism, a belief in which that all objects have soul dwelling within them.
Kings do not use bloodlines to seek out the heir of a throne.
Hobbes 1652: Strong king allowed for peace because in a state of nature every creature has the right to everything, even in the body of another. When a king dies the royal members would exclaim “The king is dead, long live the king”. This statement refers that when a king dies, another king would be replaced immediately. So to say, the physical form of the king may die, but the Status of the king never does.
Why many of Michelangelo’s paintings were consists of naked people?
Michelangelo believed in Neo-Platonism
What we see is not real, just an illusion
The true soul has no clothes; he wants to show the most natural state of humans. There were also rumors stating that Michelangelo was a homosexual because of his habit of painting male more than females.
Metaphor, symbol – true reality from this reality
A movie example of this concept is The Matrix. People living in a virtual world which seems to be their actual world.
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Michelangelo Buonarroti : The Last judgement (13,7 x 12,2 m) , dated 1534‐1541 Taken from Dr Ray's Lecture Slides |
Meaning of Kitsch
Kitsch is the use of history related designs combined with today’s elements of design. However, once imbued with today’s design, the actual purpose of the concept becomes useless and merely for commercial use. It is more to pander to popular demand rather than the self expression created by an artist. Most kitsch objects originate from cultural icons like Greek columns. The concept of kitsch originates from a response to the 19th century arts. These arts are mainly associated with aesthetics that convey exaggerated sentimentality and melodrama, thus kitsch is related with sentimental art.
In Malaysia today, we are able to see many columns used in random structures (As shown by a photographer during Dr. Ray's Lectures). These columns seem to be Kitsch as their sole purpose of the design element has no association with the structure. Based on the pictures, these columns are mere decorations and serve no other purpose
Kitsch (Last Modified 21 August, 2011.). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from
Theaters and Coliseum
Greek Theatres
- Face covered by mask, unable to convey facial expressions and emotions.
- Hole at the mask’s mouth creates a microphone effect for audience to hear actors voice clearly. To listen and feel the emotion spoken by the actor
- The emotion conveyed lies within the words and gestures of the actors.
Humanities Research Lab shammom. (n.d.). Research on the Ancient World. In Costumes and Masks. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from
Roman Coliseum
The seating of the coliseum is separated by levels of society. The senators sit right in front of the stage at the bottom level. The intermediate class sits in the middle area whilst the poor and low class sits at the far back on a high level. From their view, the stage actors seem very small and the voices can’t be heard clearly.
Drawn by Brian Soon |
Even in today's era we are able to see the structure of the Roman Coliseums. An example would be the stadiums that holds various events like sports or entertainment. The seating prices depends on the distance from the stage itself. Another example would be the structure of cinema theaters. However, this structure varies because most people do not prefer the most front seats near the screen. We tend to seat at the far end back seats to have a clearer view of the screen.
Lecture Class Exercise (Sketching whilst Listening to Music)
Sketching is a way of thinking.
No two people in the world handle a pencil the same way. Moreover, no two people in the world think the same. As we know what we draw is also influenced by our mind whether we notice it or not. Some may prefer drawing fully anatomical human figures because they are interested in showing details. Others may prefer drawing animated characters because emotions are easily conveyed. Perhaps what most people fail to understand about sketching is to draw what you see in your way. Not to exactly rules and terms. As long as the artist understands what they are drawing, it means the sketching already serves a purpose.
10 Minute Sketch of Portrait (Pen) |
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Rembrant Van Rjin Self Portrait in Open Mouthed 1630 Taken From Dr Ray's Lecture Slide |
Sketching above was done using random hatched lines. In the artwork, the way the artist created the line was through fast and random hatching lines yet the details are very obvious. The music ambience during the lecture sketching really gave some sort of energy to continue the skethching. However due to time constraints, the sketching could not be completed.
Sketching Round 2
10 Minute sketches by Brian Soon
Ancient Greek Columns.
Although many traditions have died out overtime, many still adapt the design from history. An example is the Greek columns. Originally the column was to support the building and provide air flow because the olden Greek buildings had no proper door way. However in the present time, buildings usually have only one door way which means columns are not necessary to be used. But till today, many columns can be seen all over buildings. But some questions may arise when we look at columns implanted on buildings.
Why do people want these elements in their design?
Perhaps people implement the element as a form of design in the structures. Besides using plain pillars to support a structure, it would be more creative if the designs of a column was added.
Perhaps people implement the element as a form of design in the structures. Besides using plain pillars to support a structure, it would be more creative if the designs of a column was added.
What does it mean here?
Some people perceive that having a column design in our structures are a state of financial being. Implementing a column design into a structure isn't a low cost requirement. Thus, people with columns in their buildings are construed to be higher than middle class financially.
How does the meaning change when used in a design?
- It serves more as a decoration rather than the core function of the column. Columns are designed to support a structure and provide air flow. But since most of today's structures do not require much airflow as there is only a single doorway. The function of the columns change to become a design element.
Types of Columns
- It serves more as a decoration rather than the core function of the column. Columns are designed to support a structure and provide air flow. But since most of today's structures do not require much airflow as there is only a single doorway. The function of the columns change to become a design element.
Types of Columns
Doric – West Greece/Mainland – 6th BCE
The Doric column has no basement. It is a heavy column with no specific design on the top. In a Doric Temple, the part above the column is open work with metopes and triglyphs. There is a gap between the columns and the roof. The steps torwards the Doric Temples never exceed 3
Ionic – East Greece/Islands – 6th BCE
The ionic column has a Doric column base and the cover(capital) is designed with volutes (detailed sculpted curls at the top) The area between the column and the roof is closed and designed with sculptures.
Corinthian – 4th – 5th BC
The Corinthian column is similar to the Ionic column because of the basement. The Ionic basement has only 1 level whereas, the Corinthian has more levels. Corinthian columns are slim and high. The volutes are replaced by acuntusleaves. The gap between the column and roof is similar to the Ionic column. The Corinthic Temple has more than 3 steps.
Columns (n.d.). The Art Podium. Web. Retrieved 22 Aug. 2011. from
Monday, August 22, 2011
History is made up of the mixture of thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis. Somehow we become a part of the stream of history and affect the future generations to come. All their thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis originates from our time. So to say, our entire current thesis also came from the history before our time. Every idea is sure to have an opposing idea and the outcomes are limitless depending on how much thought people put into it.
Drawn by Brian Soon
A thesis will encounter an anti-thesis which forms the synthesis, a completely new theory. From the Synthesis, another anti-thesis will be formed opposing it and another different thesis appears. This cycle goes about in many aspects we see today. An example would be the development of character leads to misunderstanding. Lets say, a noisy child dislikes a quiet child and vice versa. These two children will try to change the other to fit their own needs. And from that rebellion and resistance, another character tends to develop in both of them.
Drawn by Brian Soon
Personal Opinion On The Stone Age Era (Lecture Discussion)
As we know it, the present time is the result of history. Everything we create, do and think is the evolution of history based on time. In the recent lectures, there was a topic discussed on how cavemen’s lifestyle that changed from hunting and foraging to purely agricultural. This topic really caught my interest as this change of lifestyle from the cavemen era has shaped the very world today we live in. I would like to discuss the possible outcomes if we had continued living the hunting lifestyle.
Hunting .(Foraging, Animal)
Source of Food
We study the notion of the animals hunted and follow their groups whenever they migrate. Means that our habitat was totally dependent on the animals hunted. This way, Humans that time have no permanent place to stay and were constantly on the move following the prey. Since our main sources of food are living animals, we had to analyze the prey’s behavior and character. (Weak spots, Strength, Speed, Size,). Humans that time were actually studying the animals by trial and error even if it means to lose their lives. The drawings on the cave walls could be their preferred animals to hunt. Noting the future generations of the best prey to survive on. Perhaps some drawings do indicate the specific characteristics of the particular animal.
Neil. M.(n.d.) Prehistoric Arts. Retrieved 22 August, 2011 from
Since our lives are only focused on hunting animals. Weapons will be our 100% developing invention. Can you imagine what weapons might be today after millions of years developing it only for the sole purpose of hunting? It might be to so high tech until our technology today cant even compare to it. Animals have different textures of skin like fur, leather, hard skin, fatty layer skin. Different types of weapons have to be developed to hunt specific animals. For example, an elephant skin is harder and thicker compared to a deer.
Human Anatomy and Characteristic
Our characteristics today would be more aggressive and strong because hunting is our way of acquiring food. Bodies will be more masculine and fit due to the body exercises and cardiac running done to hunt animals. Traps would be highly developed too in the helps of hunting. linked and alike due to the teamwork required for prey hunting. Cooperation will be the key to hunting animals. Hunting together in groups will have tighter relationships because we depend on each other to survive. Less discrimination, hate, jealous, arguments among humans because we rely on each other to live.
If our lifestyle stayed the hunting way, what would our life be today? Would we still have no permanent homes and still on the move? How much knowledge would we have gathered on animals after hunting them for millions of years without agriculture? Perhaps life would be better of today if we continued living the way following the prey as our lifestyle instead of agriculture. Less sickness, tighter relationships with one another, Healthier bodies, not lazy creatures that staying at home facebook-ing everyday?Agriculture. (Plantation, Vegetation)
Agriculture wise, once we plough the land and sow the seeds, we wait for the plants to bear fruit for a long period. This means, that we are bound to stay at a particular habitat for a long period of time before migrating. Whilst waiting for the plants to grow, we develop better shelters for ourselves and methods to speed plant growth (natural fertilizers, smooth water flow).
Lifestyle development
The fact that humans had to wait a long period for plants to bear fruit. They developed a feeling of home, making that particular place their permanent resident. This is what causes our life today to have homes, as a place to stay. Humans feel very insecure without a home because in our history we adapt to a home. As we stay at home, we create objects to make our lives easier. Like making wooden beds and stone as chairs. These inventions soon develop to technology we see today. Stone chairs eventually develop to those luxury sofas today. Through staying at home more. We study more about environmental concerns like water source, bright light source for plants to grow. Besides having a career in today’s life one must have a home they feel comfortable and secure at.
Attitudes and Behavior
Our attitudes today are softer, gentle and controlled. Due to the farming of the crops we develop patience and calmness. Because we stay in our shelters more, the need to hunt for food decreases means we are less aggressive in our lives that time. Over time, we lose our aggressive personality and develop other traits like Neat, Tidy, Shy, Outgoing, Quiet. Agriculture has caused our world today, we have stress, tension, sickness and other health concerns. People only focused on finding money rather than other important things.
Riots, robbing, killing, torturing, murdering, raping. Every bad human habit develop is the result of agriculture lifestyle we changed to. We develop permanent shelters that we occupy so much space to fit our life. We cant possibly share a home with more than 20 people? Or sleeping in the same room with 4 people?? We spoil ourselves of space, develop homes near water source, killing animals that come for water. Lacking water, these animals die off and extinct over time.
Internet is the cause of many bad things? Violence influence, online porn, scams and viruses? Well this is the synthesis of human creatures communicating with one another again after millions of years living apart from each other. As we know the world was one giant land mass. As time passes the world split into islands and float away from each other. Means every human in the world is part of our ancestors too. We meet again via the internet. The term “facebook addict” can be seen as a bad name to have. It means youre just sitting at the computer on an internet url doing virtual stuff.
Sometimes I wonder to myself, what benefit have we gained from the lifestyle of agriculture? Technology helps make our lives easier, but it seems that it is making us LAZY. The world is suffering worldwide, Animals dying, Polluted Environment, Contaminated Waters. What have we really achieved today? Seems to me that we're just digging our own grave. Life would have been so much better if we followed the hunting lifestyle.
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