Saturday, September 24, 2011

Its funny how foreigners see our version of pan cake in Malaysia. i mean a pancake in a normal term looks like this

but the malaysian pan cake looks like this

imagine how much shock they would experience when they see the Malaysian version of the pancake. From a maple syrup piece of bread turns into a folded sugary bread.

How did sex come about i wonder? maybe because when we are orignally single celled organisms we duplicate by splitting ourselves into half known as cell division. perhaps at the moment of division, one cell either lacks or absents a nucleus. in order to obtain the correct parts they somehow find a way to absorb the missing links by connecting their cellular body to the other half. perhaps from this phenomena created the need for reproduction(sex). Maybe during the cell division, the cell that lacks the proper components changes its DNA. from there we can detect the diversion of the male and female in all organisms. insects, animals, humans  always have 2 genders, male and female.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Critique of Course and Subject Learned

Overall, the syllabus learned in this subject really sparks up my interest in the History of Arts. Its so amazing that these artists are able to paint these marvelous pieces of artworks using art media that the world today are not so talented with. Its a shame that these methods of Art have died over the years and the current trend of design is more to abstract art. Imagine if the historian artists had the software of photoshop and illustrator, the artworks produced would have been indescribable. As the subject lectures and tutorials go on, we are able to relate our theories of design today with their period of time. After all, the evolution of history is what develops today. However, in lecture classes, it is such a waste that many students do not give response, discussion or arguments when asked by the tutor/lecturer. I can see that Dr Ray and Miss Clare put much effort in preparing our teaching plans and the Slides. Even finding an image online and properly quoting it, is already troublesome enough. I can't imagine the time needed to find the specific info and compiling them into the slides presentation. Also, there wasn't enough time to actually conduct our own research on the topics learnt because the number of topics discussed is way too many. This subject may not be the most fun to study, but it is definitely one of the most interesting subjects i have ever studied. It is the first time actually experiencing a subject with the definition Art in the term History.

Personal Opinion on Assignment 3 Artwork

The Third of May 1808
1814, Oil on canvas, 266cm x 345cm. Museo del Prado, Madrid

File: The Third of May 1808.jpg (19 Jun 2006). Retrieved August 15, 2011, from

After completing an assignment on this artwork. I realized that history artworks are really in depth in every detail of their artwork. Like the artwork above for instance, all the elements are designed to give emphasis on the white shirt figure. The soldiers create implied lines facing him, the colours used on him are the most contrast in the artwork. Moreover, this particular artwork is very renowned during its time. In fact, this artwork was so inspiring that it influenced the other creations of artworks.

Execution of Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, 1868
Taken from Dr Ray's Lecture Slides

Pablo Picasso, Massacre in Korea, 1951
Taken from Dr Ray's Lecture Slides

Baroque Artworks

Compare and Contrast two different artwork

Annibale Carracci Gallery (n.d.) Mythological Painting Art View A."Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne." Paint Art, Gallery Art Retrieved 22 Aug, 2011. from

The artwork above is Idealism Painting. The event portrayed is in the form of imagination of the Gods celebrating victory. However, the way the gods celebrate victory in the artwork is the way humans celebrate not the actual way of how Gods celebrate. This type of artwork relies on imaginative concepts to convey the emotion.

Conversion of St. Paul (n.d.). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 22 August, 2011 from

The above artwork is Realism Painting. The character is having a vision of Christ and opens his arms to accept Christ. The artwork shows the real emotional feeling experienced by the character not an imaginative scene. The use of chiaroscuro helps to emphasize the gestures and emotional expression conveyed by the character.

The Story of Judith
The Book of Judith depicts how Judith saved her people by seducing and then killing Holofernes, the Assyrian General. Judith makes Holofernes drunk, seizes his sword and decapitates his neck : "Approaching to his bed, she took hold of the hair of his head, and said, Strengthen me, O Lord God of Israel, this day! And she smote twice upon his neck with all her might, and she took away his head from him." (Judith, 13:7-8).

Personal Opinion
It's amazing that how lust and sexual alluring are able to change the phase of history itself. Men of great leaders and status are also capable of falling prey to sexual activity. This story is really thought provoking that a single beautiful woman can save her people by offering her body to someone.This shows that every men has their desires too but it depends on how well we control it within.

Judith Beheading Holofernes (Caravaggio) 1598-1599 Oil on canvas 145 cm × 195 cm (57 in × 77 in)
"Judith Beheading Holofernes (Caravaggio)." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22 Aug, 2011. from

In this version of artwork. Judith is portrayed more elegant and soft hearted based on her physical appearance and body size. Her facial expression shows her uncertainty of her gruesome actions. It may be her first time actually beheading a live person. The outstretched arms also show the nervousness she is undergoing. This artwork portrays minimal violence and less impact.

"File:GENTILESCHI Judith.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22 Aug, 2011.  from

In this artwork, Judith is portrayed more masculine and brutal. The visual weight on Holofernes can be felt due to the compressed space around him. The two big sized women pressing on Holofernes shows their aggression and determination in executing Holofernes. This artwork shows more violent aspect and gives an impact of torture.

Late Renaissance 1500-1600, Italy – Venice

The Art movement during the Late Renaissance.

Subject Matter
Scenes and characters from Bible and Greek culture/myth.

3D modeling - Form are drawn into a proportionate shape and wide use of chiaroscuro 
Asymmetrical Balance- Elements heavier on the Right Side
Jacopo Robusti TINTORETTO, 
  St. Mark’s Body Brought to Venice, 1548 
Taken from Dr. Ray's Lecture Slides

Beauty of Nature - Elements consists of natural, peaceful environment. Trees and plantations in background.
Soft gradual values - Earth tones and wide range of warm colours used.
Giorgione (and/or Titian), Pastoral Symphony, c. 1508. Oil on canvas, approx 43” x 54”.
Taken from Dr. Ray's Lecture Slides.

A change in period because of the Catholics
1517 Martin Luther introduced the Ninety-Five Theses, which then became the establishment of Protestantism, a Christian movement against the Catholic Church. From there, many other churches were formed and up until today, these church movements still hold a large number 
of believers respectively.

Different Churches examples:

Widely considered as Protestant churches, though most Baptist disagree with this identity.  Baptism subscribes to doctrine by immersion. Other tenets include soul competency(liberty), salvation through faith, scripture. They consider these as their main rule of faith and practice.

The Methodist Church is famous for its purposeful work, and the establishment of hospitals, universities, orphanages, soup kitchens, and schools to follow Jesus' command and spread the Good News to serve all members of society. (William B. Eerdmans, Models for Christian Higher Education.)

Began in the 19th century, in context of the Second Great Awakening revival. Started by William Miller, followers known as Milerites. As of today, the largest church in the movement is the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Lutheranism is a huge branch of Western Christianity which consists of the theology of Martin Luther. Luther's writings disseminated internationally, spreading the ideas of the Reformation beyond the ability of governmental and churchly authorities to control it (George Wolfgang Forell, Lutheranism).

Graebner, A. (March 3, 2004). Religion Facts. In Lutheranism. Retrieved August 23, 2011, from

Wamtac. (n.d.). Late Renaissance, 1500-1600. In Smart Art. Retrieved August 23, 2011, from

Weber, N. (1911). Methodism. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved August 24, 2011 from New Advent:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bloodlines and Marriages that create alliance are the ways of developing a kingdom in Asia. Once a family is chosen as the royal family, the kingdom would continue with the family's heir for every generation to come. Some families may be part of a kingdom for even half a millennium.
Devarajas: Authority based on genetic heredity going back to mythic origins like Buddha.
Articles of faith were doctrine and stories about the life of gods, Holy men and prophets.
Underlying belief system. Shamanism, Polytheism in Mideast. Also believed in Animism, a belief in which that all objects have soul dwelling within them.

Kings do not use bloodlines to seek out the heir of a throne.
Hobbes 1652: Strong king allowed for peace because in a state of nature every  creature has the right to everything, even in the body of another. 
When a king dies the royal members would exclaim “The king is dead, long live the king”. This statement refers that when a king dies, another king would be replaced immediately. So to say, the physical form of the king may die, but the Status of the king never does.