Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Critique of Course and Subject Learned

Overall, the syllabus learned in this subject really sparks up my interest in the History of Arts. Its so amazing that these artists are able to paint these marvelous pieces of artworks using art media that the world today are not so talented with. Its a shame that these methods of Art have died over the years and the current trend of design is more to abstract art. Imagine if the historian artists had the software of photoshop and illustrator, the artworks produced would have been indescribable. As the subject lectures and tutorials go on, we are able to relate our theories of design today with their period of time. After all, the evolution of history is what develops today. However, in lecture classes, it is such a waste that many students do not give response, discussion or arguments when asked by the tutor/lecturer. I can see that Dr Ray and Miss Clare put much effort in preparing our teaching plans and the Slides. Even finding an image online and properly quoting it, is already troublesome enough. I can't imagine the time needed to find the specific info and compiling them into the slides presentation. Also, there wasn't enough time to actually conduct our own research on the topics learnt because the number of topics discussed is way too many. This subject may not be the most fun to study, but it is definitely one of the most interesting subjects i have ever studied. It is the first time actually experiencing a subject with the definition Art in the term History.

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